


The Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre is not far from Dublin and the only thing you see really on approach is the carpark. You then wander down a covered path struck through a forested area to the centre. The centre itself is completely hidden with a grass roof and nestled into a hill.
The price worried us as we were pretty short of cash after our weekend and had envisioned marching back to car without even a glimpse. Jumping in front of an American tour (there were lots) we were beckoned by one of the staff members to come forward. She let us know the family price was only a mere €15. I was seriously expecting €50+
Tours were hourly so we had some time to kill by eating in the cafe downstairs. Great range of food here and again within our budget.
When our time came for the tour we had to walk across a few bridges to a bus waiting for us. It took all of 5 minutes on the bus to reach the monument site and we could take it in as we approached it.
As we waited for our guide the thing that struck me most was how neat and trim everything was. Everything here looked perfect and vaguely like an architects impression if they had had such a thing back when it was built. Down in the grass area in front of the monument, a care taker was walking behind a large remote controlled grass mower which was quite bizarre to see.